Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Illustration Friday: Canned (R.I.P)

My girlfriend was canned last week from her job at United Health Care. As you can tell she's been dealing with getting laid off pretty well so far at the beach. I made her this boss tatoo with Sharpie so she can show off her current "work-free" status. It's a Lemonade from Lemons type of empowerment.
On a much, much darker note I always tease her about "canning" her if she ever died so that I can keep her with me all the time. I illustrated what I might imagine a "Can 'o Mel" might look like (now with 30% more Mel). Maybe this is where a personal joke might've been better to keep personal?


Peachtreeart said...

I know about being canned! Sucks...but I'm glad she's handling it well lol!

Brine Blank said...

Can o' Mel...I guess it isn't any stranger than carrying around someone's ashes...and great pic by the way that got into the mag...very nice framing of the shot...